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职位关键词(点击搜索): 生产主管; 主管; 生产; 

生产主管 (790828)

招聘单位:普曼普传动系统(太仓)有限公司 [2021-03-31]  阅读:

职位名称: 生产主管 职位类别: 电子/机械/工程类
工作性质: 全职 应聘/招聘人数: 6/1
工作地区: 太仓市 作息制度: 双休
住房食宿: 月薪水平: 面议或未公开
工作描述: • Manage the department by coordinating the manpower and equipment
• Manage the fitting of machinery
• Manage and coordinate the launch of production
• Control all quotas according to the design of the first processed piece, for each phase of processing
• Receive the production orders from the Production Manager (PPM) assigned to his own department
• Cooperate with the Production Manager (PPM) in order to guarantee and respect the program timing and the coordination with other departments
• Plan and manage the handling of material necessary for the production activities of his own department
• Verify the situation and progress of the work within his own department
• Coordinate the activities of quality control of the processed products
• Verify that the controls are carried out according to the criteria established depending on the customer’s specifications, on parameters and on established control frequencies
• Cooperate with the Maintenance Chief (MC) in order to maintain the machines at the maximum of their efficiency
• Manage employment and support of new personnel or of the trainees
• Verify that employee have correct utilization of Management System
• Cooperate with the    Quality Management System Manager (QMSM) in education of personnel with regard to quality
• Coordinate activities of the Machining Chief of Shift (MCS)
• Monitor constantly, in his own department, the respect of quality procedures
• Manage the equipment of production departments
• Supervise the work of the Tools Warehouse Chief (TWC)
• Attend to trainings and to organization of technical courses in order to favor professional growth of the personnel
• Plan and realize the equipment necessary for production of the department
• Lay out the production process supervising its optimization
• Cooperate with the Purchase Manager (PM) in order to evaluate the suppliers of tools
• Manage employment and support of new personnel or of the trainees
• Cooperate with the Production Manager (PPM) so that the workers work in conditions of safety
• Check and record daily working time of each one employee of his department and issue weekly report    to Production Manager (PPM)
• Attend to the preparation of the part-programs and of the list of tools necessary to realize single elements.
学历要求: 大专 专业类别: 机械/仪表类
专业名称: 机械/机电自动一体化 户籍要求: 不限
年龄要求: 28 - 45 工作经验: 8 年
外语能力: 英语 良好 计算机能力: 良好
技能资质: 熟悉机加工工艺,立加,卧加
其它要求: 具有较强的生产管理能力
职位首次录入: 2020-12-02 17:57:17



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ICP许可证:苏B2-20190061;苏ICP备10224897号-1;软著登字第0395877号; 营业执照;人力资源

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