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职位关键词(点击搜索): Spareparts Logistics Specilalist; Specilalist; Spareparts; Logistics; 

Spareparts Logistics Specilalist (776519)

招聘单位:通快(中国)有限公司 [2021-02-18]  阅读:

职位名称: Spareparts Logistics Specilalist 职位类别: 采购/物流类
工作性质: 全职 应聘/招聘人数: 23/1
工作地区: 太仓市 作息制度: 双休
住房食宿: 有工作餐 月薪水平: 面议或未公开
工作描述: • SAP system data maintainece.SAP系统中数据维护
• Mornitoring spareparts warehouse.备件仓库管理
• Import and export handling and paper work.进出口单证及操作
• Maintain spare parts / generator data in SAP system, include defining new parts, creating info record and creating source list, change generator location.在SAP系统中维护物料设置,包含扩新物料,设置采购源,改电源最终用户地址。
• Book in/ book out parts and generators in SAP system, deliver parts to engineers or customers, manage annual stock inventory.在SAP中完成备件或者电源收发货,并将备件或者电源发给工程师或者客户,负责主导仓库年度盘点。
• Prepare materials for import and export customs for parts or generators, cooperate with agent to make sure all parts and generators arrive in warehouse in shortest time. Check logistics cost and arrange payment for the cost, monthly.为备件或者电源进出口准备资料,配合代理保证备件和电源快速清关,快速进仓。核对物流成本和安排月结费用。
• Make documents and arrange shipment for returning bad parts to vendor and get credit note from vendor.为坏件退运制作单证,安排退运,并拿到退运保值单。
• Analysis data of stock regularly and adjust safety stock according to service team leader instruction, make sure we have enough stocks to repair or sell and select out un-useful parts to return vendor.定期分析库存,并按照服务主管的要求调整备件安全库存的设置,保证库里有足够的备件供维修和销售并把不需要的备件挑出安排退运。
• Control the third party warehouse about book in/book out, taxation and control costs控制第三方仓库的出入库,征税,和成本。
• Complete other tasks assigned from the direct supervisor per business requirement.根据业务需要,完成直属经理安排的其它工作.
学历要求: 本科 专业类别: 机械/仪表类
专业名称: 不限 户籍要求: 不限
适宜性别: 不限
年龄要求: 不限 工作经验: 0 年
外语能力: 英语 熟练 计算机能力: 不限
技能资质: 不限
其它要求: • Bachelor degree or above本科学历及以上
• Electronics, Logistics or import/export concerned knowledge background
• Knowledge of computer, can drive a fort lifter
• Chinese native speaker. 中文(普通话)作为母语.
English reading/writing, good oral English is perfect英文读写,有一定英文口语水平较优。
• Strong sense of high integrity, reliability, responsibility and customer orientation 正直可靠, 具备高度的责任心和客户导向意识.
• Ability to handle issue independently, open-minded and with a team spirit.具备独立应对问题的能力, 思维开放,富有团队合作意识.
• Ability to continuously learn.具备持续学习的能力
• Observe the regulations of TCN including but not limited on the Employee’s Handbook and Code of Conduct of TRUMPF China.愿意遵守通快中国的所有规章制度包括但不限于员工手册以及行为准则.
职位首次录入: 2020-09-27 09:34:57
Spareparts Logistics Specilalist-通快(中国)有限公司



[04-24] CNC 操作工 8000+
[04-24] 备件部实习生(25届学生) 2000+
[04-24] 电气调试技术员,机床事业部 6000+
[04-24] 机械装配,机床事业部 4500+
[04-24] 卧加操作工 8000+
[04-24] 焊工 7000+



太仓人才网 太仓人才网WAP 苏州市人力资源服务业知名品牌 关于我们 网页制作/数据库:阳光技术小组 QQ阳光客服 版权所有:太仓市瑞福尔人力资源服务有限公司
ICP许可证:苏B2-20190061;苏ICP备10224897号-1;软著登字第0395877号; 营业执照;人力资源

本页更新时间:2024-04-24 15:16:28 []