太仓人才网 [登录] 2024年05月01日 星期三 您是第 1890261437 位访者(今天第 291067 位访问者)  目前在线 260版本更新 设为首页 | 加入收藏
职位关键词(点击搜索): 电气设计工程师-激光事业部; 事业部; 激光; 电气; 工程师; 设计; 

电气设计工程师-激光事业部 (686305)

招聘单位:通快(中国)有限公司 [2019-12-30]  阅读:

职位名称: 电气设计工程师-激光事业部 职位类别: 其它
工作性质: 全职 应聘/招聘人数: 9/1
工作地区: 太仓市 作息制度: 双休
住房食宿: 有工作餐 月薪水平: 面议或未公开
工作描述: 1. Research and develop new product in cooperation with R&D in other subsidiaries. This requires good understanding on circuit principle, semiconductors, measurement and sensors, electrical automation, switching mode power supplies and constant current control, EMI/EMC and machinery safety regulations. To be able to implement the electrical design of solid state lasers, including customer interfacing, safety function, power distribution, pump driving and protection, signal acquisition and processing to achieve best product    performance and reliability with low cost solution.
2. Be responsible to develop electrical test method and equipment for fiber laser manufacturing to achieve best productivity and quality.
3. Create and maintain electrical laser manufacturing SOP to obtain highest manufacturing standard.
4. Provide technical support in product transfer stages, and introduce and qualify local components for further cost down projects
5. Create technical specification / standards, 2D/3D drawing in electrical CAD to meet internal and external regulation and requirements.
6. Create and maintain material master data and bill of materials in SAP.
7. Other tasks assigned by immediate manager.
学历要求: 本科 专业类别: 电子信息类
专业名称: 电气自动化、电气工程及其自动化 户籍要求: 不限
适宜性别: 不限
年龄要求: 不限 工作经验: 3 年
外语能力: 英语 熟练 计算机能力: 熟练
技能资质: 不限
其它要求: 1. Academic Background: Bachelor degree or above.
2. Which major preferred: Electrical automation, electrical engineering or design
3. Working experience: 3-5 years in electrical engineering
4. Knowledge and skills: Proficient in electrical design CAD tools and Microsoft Office
5. Language: English necessary
6. Other specific requirements: Capable of teamwork, self-motivated & hardworking, experience in laser    manufacturing company highly appreciated; Observe the regulations on the Employee's Handbook and Code of Conduct of TRUMPF China       
职位首次录入: 2019-06-20 09:43:55



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ICP许可证:苏B2-20190061;苏ICP备10224897号-1;软著登字第0395877号; 营业执照;人力资源

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